Pickle Juice is a 100% natural, purpose built isotonic beverage designed specifically to stop muscle cramps and prevent them from returning. Taking Pickle Juice can stop muscle cramps in its tracks within 15-20 seconds.

Pickle Juice works by attacking the cause and not the symptoms of cramping. Researchers have found that neural receptors located at the back of the throat send the cramp message from the brain to the muscles. When the active ingredient in Pickle Juice comes into contact with these receptors it switches off this cramp message and the spasm will cease almost instantaneously.


If you are exercising hard, exercising for longer than an hour at a time, or exercising in hot climates, drinking something with sodium and potassium can help you get hydrated faster. Sodium and potassium is an electrolyte that you lose when you sweat and Pickle Juice has 10 times the amount of electrolytes than most other sports drinks.

After a sweaty or lengthy exercise session, sipping some Pickle Juice can help your body recover to its normal electrolyte levels more quickly.


Pickle Juice 240ml Regular Strength bottles are proven to provide relief to those who experience nocturnal or night cramps.  Slowly ingesting Pickle Juice's 240ml bottles before you go sleep is a cost effective way to rid your night cramps.  


Pickle Juice can help your boost your stomach's immunity by encouraging the growth and healthy balance of good bacteria and flora. Also, if you are trying to lose weight, you do not want to be consuming high calorie sports drinks to stay hydrated.  Pickle Juice is a sugar free and calories free alternative to keep you hydrated when it matters most.


Pickle Juice has significant amounts of vitamins C and E which are two key antioxidants. Antioxidants help shield your body from damaging molecules called free radicals. Vitamins C and E also help boost your immune system function, among other roles they play in your body.


Pickle Juice is proud to be 100% organic and contains no fat, no calories and no sugar!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Benefits of Pickle Juice?

Pickle juice offers a range of benefits, including fast relief from muscle cramps, superior hydration, and enhanced recovery after physical activity. It is rich in electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium, making it an excellent choice for replenishing lost minerals. Additionally, its natural formula helps prevent nighttime leg cramps and supports overall muscle health, making it ideal for athletes, fitness enthusiasts and everyday use.

What Does Pickle Juice Do for You?

Pickle juice works by targeting the neurological signals that cause muscle cramps, providing almost instant relief. It also restores electrolytes lost during physical activities, keeping your body hydrated and energised. Whether you’re managing cramps, staying hydrated or recovering after a workout, pickle juice supports your body’s needs effectively and naturally.

Is Pickle Juice Good for You?

Yes, pickle juice is good for you! Made with natural ingredients, it’s free from sugar, caffeine, GMOs and gluten, making it a healthy option for hydration and cramp relief. Its high electrolyte content helps maintain muscle function, prevents dehydration and reduces fatigue. Whether you’re an athlete or looking for a natural hydration solution, pickle juice is a safe and effective choice.